Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunny Days Ahead

The weather is slowly warming in Southeastern Pennsylvania and working outside again has become a daily thing. To tell you the truth, I can't stand the cold unless I am hunting, fishing, or camping in it. I've worked in all types of elements in the past eight years and I hope my next job is indoors. Being outdoors has its benefits like not becoming a zombie or a machine created by the boring work you do indoors. Instead, you have the freedom to walk around, smoke cigarettes, and watch the sun set or rise. Those aspects of the job I will miss the most as well as the people I worked with.

Now it is time to move on down the road and find another job. I have thought about finding another job and leaving the Rail Road, but I was always too afraid that other jobs won't be as good. I guess staying out of contract work is something more to look out for! I guess I am looking for a third-shift job so it won't interfere with my college I will keep you updated on how that goes.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New things coming...

I am losing my full-time job on March 5th, due to contract renewal. This means unemployment and music time until I get another job! I have already had two interviews, so it isn't like I am trying to milk the system. I would rather just go straight to another job, but alas, sometimes it doesn't work out that way.

Anyways, new things are coming for sure in the coming months. I am going into a recording studio tomorrow to check some things out. It would honestly cost me a fortune to do it in a studio, which makes me think going the digital multi-tracker route is still the best bet. I don't have a problem with the quality of the TASCAM, but I do have a problem with my quality. Anyways, we will see how the next few weeks pan out. Take care!