Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8th, 2007

Hello everyone, hope your November is going well..mine ain't! I am still as of now recovering from the flu. I had to leave work early yesterday because I wasn't feeling too great and had a fever. Good thing I got it now and not during hunting season!

I didn't get a chance to do any voice sessions yet this month..because of my illness. But my voice is feeling pretty strong right now and I might try a few sessions tomorrow since I'm off work. Might as well, there really isn't much other to do around here lol.

I've also updated the forum style. Its not so plain now, although I still don't have a banner. I like the colors, I think it fits the website perfectly, and should be more inviting for visitors to post.

Well, that's all the updates for now, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and take care!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

November Update!

Wow, its already November! Christmas is sneaking up fast, and things are starting to get alittle crazy everywhere. We are slowing down allot at work, so that's good for my music, but bad on the paycheck! Too bad you can't have them both, huh?

I have a small update, as I'm really trying to get this done before Christmas. I have all 12 songs completed music wise, and I am currently working on the vocals. Things aren't going too smoothly. I'm finding little things that irritate me in the music, but there isn't much I can do about that, as I am recording in a small budget home studio. A really small budget..lets say $200 total...haha. I'm cheap.

Well there you have it small update. There will be allot happening this month as I have four days off work to work on this know, between deer hunting and everything :).